Peaceful Sky Above You

Condemnations echo in chambers, alongside excuses about cumbersome bureaucracy, bumbling acts of “philanthropy,” and demands for pats on the back. Word goes around that “things are slowing down”, talks of “peace deals,” succession of territories, demilitarized zones, …etc. 

These quick answers suit a lot of peoples convenience. Cognitive dissonance took hold in corona time and its not letting up.  Neither is the russian aggression and terror. There is no lull in ukraine. There has been no reprieve from daily—constant air raids, strikes, deportations of children, ecocide, etc. etc. 

There are plenty of articles out there explaining why we should all care about the war in ukraine, how ukraine is defending all of our futures. Our freedom to relax in the sun with our friends, eat dinner safely in our homes with family, travel, go to school, sit in the safe, green grass (without mines), and gaze at the peaceful sky above. When you go down the escalator in the subway, do you imagine ever having to seek shelter there with the other thousands of people around you?

If you are reading this, you probably DO care. 

Yet, evil is a toxin, fascism is a disease, and once it spreads, there’s no controlling it, like a wildfire, it destroys everything. 111 people have died in Hawaii due to fires, emergency services in Tenerife estimate that 26,000 people will need to be evacuated due to 3, 273 hectares blazing.

I’m reminded of Lina Kostenko (a Ukrainian, philosophical poetess whose works were banned from publishing for 16 years for supporting the dissident movement in the 1960s).

Quote: The wisdom of a human is to remain silent when environment is speaking.

She doesn’t mean silent in the way that french, british, and german authorities are using preventive detention measures, surveillance, and legislations to target climate activists. We have all reaped (and raped) the benefits of fossil fuels, but we have also been aware for decades that there are alternative methods for living. We know it, we ask for it, but it is often suppressed out of convenience, profit, and/or upholding dirty deals that prop dictatorships worldwide.

We are all complicit when we watch on in idle mode, or even worse— choose to look away—completely in denial, while recollections of middle-school history classes summon images of the holocaust, and we mutter– “genocide? it cannot be! Didn’t we all agree, never again…never again?”

The ‘west’ never supported ukraine appropriately for decades, politics are based on the interests of those holding power over the people, not the other way around. These world leaders allowed an ex-KGB man to hold office for 19 years and 100 days, and still counting, the Hague still waiting…and waiting.

I am not a weapon enthusiast, of course peace is our common desire.  

However, western weapons in adequate quantities, appropriate to task, and timely provided, will protect the lives of ukrainian soldiers and civilians. Utopia is a fantasy and there are plenty of weapons going around and used against us everyday. As a reminder, the “peace-broker” china has sent tens of thousands of chinese shipments of drones, helicopters, and other military equipment to russia and continue to do so.

It is Ukrainians who will solve the urgent problems on the ground to liberate the territories seized by russia. It is up to all of us to push back against injustice and prevent the spread of russian aggression and fascist ideologies as they sneak and seep into society, and by all means do not let that orange criminal anywhere near a podium, unless he’s made it himself from scrap toothbrushes in his prison cell. 

We are not perfect. I am not innocent, I am not doing enough. I’ve also laid in the green grass, I’ve swam in the cool mediterrean waters, the same waters where over 26,000 refugees and innumerable animals and ecosystems perish. When I kiss my child, I think ‘we could be any, we are every, mother and child.’

We are not living on, we are part of this organism, and what we do and choose not to do has a direct effect on us as well as our environment. Our choices in action and inaction have direct effects on our livelihoods, homes, comfort, and food. We could, can, and many of us will be victims of terror or environmental disaster. Supporting ukraine means that you understand this and have the capacity to place your soul in the skin of another human being.

Safety and privilege is a fluke, what’s worse, for many— a complete unknown. The possibility of that turning can happen at any moment. Maybe you will be lucky in this lifetime, I hope so. But just in case reincarnation is real, lets err on the side of karma and do what we can in the bodies we have.

Ukraine has long needed the appropriate equipment and measures to protect their skies… the time is NOW!


24 responses to “Peaceful Sky Above You”

  1. Maciej Modzelewski Avatar

    I admire your passion and wisdom, and I feel the same, especially since I don’t do enough either. At home, I try to minimize waste as my small contribution to environmental protection, although I am brutally aware that it is a drop in the ocean of needs. I also donated some money for weapons to the Ukrainian government fund, but it was a one-time action. Could I do more? Definitely. Will I? I’ll try.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

      I think one of the worst things we can do is take on guilt, it is a state of mind that renders us motionless. We should take responsibility but also hold these dismal leaders to the same accountability.
      Your personal, conscientious gestures are —in comparison to corporate waste and their impunity—probably far more proportional.

      When i see on a shopping bag- “do your part, reuse this bag!” It feels patronising, since the myriad of companies behind exporting cheap labor, goods and waste goes without consequence to make said bag are so enormous.
      Making us feel like small yet massively responsible while doing absolutely nothing to prevent economic disaster (in practical and efficient terms) is a trick to render us into helpless inaction.
      I hope you understand this to mean- that I believe you are a good person who tries and does your best, I’d really like to hope and think that we are actually the majority. I appreciate your contributions, whether they are physical or empathic in nature. The world needs all of that, and more of it!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Maciej Modzelewski Avatar

        Thank you for believing in me. That means a lot, especially now when I stopped believing in myself (that’s a long story)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

        You are here, you are important. It’s no minor thing- these are the days of our lives, we are promised nothing more! 🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Maciej Modzelewski Avatar

        I’m brutally aware that no one promised life would be easy. Ah well, I can always write another silly verse about it.


  2. Ashley Avatar

    Even to think about taking russia or any other country back to the past is crazy. We are here today in a world that is on fire & all pukin can think of is some distant idea of past greatness!
    Unfortunately for us, he takes advantage of the West’s laziness, it’s inaction, over the climate, over good governance & over the dishonesty of our leaders. While the leaders of the west fiddle, pukin is building an even greater invasion of Ukraine & possibly through Belarus using Wagner to unsettle Poland & the Baltic states.
    The west is riddled by the decline of values, voice & virtue (Values, Voice & Virtue by Matthew Goodwin published by Penguin Books 2023); we are governed by a new elite who only think of themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

      👏 thank you for contributing this!! I cannot add anything to that, it is tragically spot on.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hyperion Avatar

    Tragedy has become the benchmark for how we measure the significance of life. I wish we could accept life as an intrinsic measure of our humanity, compassion, and creative spirit. What if the greatest honor was to be a good steward of our natural world? It often seems like our very nature ensures we will not reach such lofty goals. We never will unless we try. Beautifully written and the poignancy of this post inspires introspection. Have we done enough? Can we do more? Certainly, we can try.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

      I feel that way too, about the greatest honour is to be a good steward to our natural world. I really appreciate the positive words about my writing and am more than delighted to hear that it inspires introspection. I know we can do more! It’s nice to think that by reading this someone might be sparked to take even a small action. That is very motivating to me, and I bet to others as well- the thought that if we all move a little, it moves another person and the momentum is activated, relying less on individual effort, but rather, starts the ball rolling on it’s own behind the collective push with much more ease. Maybe my brain is still in the lofts. Hehe

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hyperion Avatar

        I do believe we and our world is saved by small acts of kindness. In a collective sense, magnificent things can be accomplished. I also believe our children must be prepared for the world they inherit and while many will not be properly prepared, those that are will make a difference. My goal is to spend the rest of my days on this angry blue planet mentoring the young to take over and be successful where it truly matters. Together, we will make a difference as you have pointed out.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

        That is actually great motivation for a teacher about to go back into the classroom for the year. I’ll keep these words in mind when I feel like giving up hehe 😜

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hyperion Avatar

        😅. I believe it’s our greatest challenges, some that drag us so low and bring us to tears that help us find who we truly are and form us into stalwart bastions of righteous and caring beings. The secret is always to accept, learn, and conquer instead of taking on the burden of victimhood. That is never easy to do. I suspect you will achieve all you set out to do.


    2. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

      And it’s nice to hear from you Hyperion! I thought you might have closed your blog. Wish you a nice day☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hyperion Avatar

        Thank you Elizabeth! I do need to start posting more. Soon I’ll have plenty of time to work on spreading the light.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

        That’s great to hear! I’m looking forward to it! In the meantime I’ll probably have less time.. back to school, teaching, kiddo and just applied for a Masters in Art History and Visual Culture! So exciting but wondering where I’ll find all the time? 😅

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hyperion Avatar

        That is thrilling news, Elizabeth. I am always amazed how moms across the globe can pack 40 hours of work into each day. I suspect your brilliant mind will soak in art history and visual culture with ease. Sharing what you learn is the greatest gift of all. I wish you the best as you work so hard to educate the young and to raise your child with knowledge and wisdom.


  4. The WheatandTares Avatar

    My heart breaks for Ukraine and all of this chaos and tragedy. It should not be, and it did not have to be. It angers me to watch as the world calls good evil and evil good while truly good people suffer and children lose their innocence and ability to be children. We are praying for their protection, perseverance, and peace. ❤️🇺🇦🇺🇸❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

      Thank you for contributing your heartfelt statement you describe well all the emotions and frustrations that are tangled up in this terrible tragedy that should never happen anywhere. Thank you for continuing to spread awareness and empathy. 💙💛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The WheatandTares Avatar

        I left a part of my heart in Ukraine when we started traveling there back in 2018. 😉 ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇦❤️

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      2. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

        🌾 💙💛💪🏽

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      3. 100 Country Trek Avatar

        Can you follow my blog. Click below
        Front page on the right side bottom click the follow button.


      4. 🌹🍀💛💙💪🏽 Avatar

        I have tried to but it never works. You have to scroll endlessly to get to the bottom and when you do it oddly just jumps back up.


      5. 100 Country Trek Avatar
        Front page
        Click the Wooden Creatures
        Thanks Anita

        On the right side click the follow button


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